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Leopard Form: The abillty to transform into a Leopard.

System: You must spend six energy points, and you must roll a six or higher in order to successfully employ this power.

Night Vision: The ability to see in pitch darkness. The eyes turn a golden yellow color and can be clearly seen as supernatural giving them away in the darkness.

System: You must spend two energy points and roll a two or higher in order to successfully implement this power. It lasts for the duration of one scene.

Spirit of the Leopard: This power allows you to summon a spirit leopard to fight alongside of you.

System: You must spend three energy points and roll a six or higher to implement this power.

Telepathy: This power allows you to speak telepathically into the minds of others.

System: You must spend three energy points and roll a six or higher in order to successfully implement the use of this power.

Leopard's Fury: This power allows you to either hit two different targets at the same time or to hit the same target twice when this normally would not be permitted in one turn. If you do attack multiple targets they must be adjacent or this power wont be effective.

System: You must spend three energy points and roll a six or higher to sucessfully use the power, and you must state whether or not you are attacking multiple adjacent targets or targetting the same target multiple times.

Leopard's Hunt: This power gives +1 bonuses to all four senses and is used in the pursuit of prey. It allows one to spot someone that normally would not be seen in the dense thick underbrush of the forest, it allows one to hear noises that normally would escape notice such as the crunching of leaves behind you. It allows you to hear the slightest rustle of leaves which normally would completely escape notice, or to feel the slightest touch as someone bumps into you during an attempt to flee. All the senses are much more in tune with the prey.

Blood Bane: Foil the enemy's attempt at attacks by increasing the difficulty for them to act offensively against you.

System: You must first taste at least one drop of the victims blood. You must spend two energy points and roll a four or higher to make this power work.This power allows you to decreasing the defenses of the prey by -1 in all their attempts to act defensively against the leopard man for the duration of one scene, or until the leopard man tastes the blood of another, whichever comes first. The only way for the adversary to foil th